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Arthur Semyonov
Arthur Semyonov

Atlas Of Human Anatomy

The module on the anatomy of the brain based on MRI with axial slices was redesigned, having received multiple requests from users for coronal and sagittal slices. The elaboration of this new module, its labeling of more than 524 structures on 379 MRI images in three different views and on 26 anatomical diagrams, took more than 6 months. This module is intended for all physicians and non-physicians with an interest in neuroanatomy and medical imaging, particularly for general practitioners and specialists in neurology, neurosurgery, anatomy and neurosciences, as well as speech pathologists and psychomotor therapists.

atlas of human anatomy


Please note that the reconstructions were based on images of the same patient that allows the user to compare imaging in slices with 3D imaging of the human brain. In addition, some of the reconstructions were minimally retouched using Adobe Photoshop in order to improve their didactic value and to remove certain artifacts, but no structure of any kind was added artificially (thus, for example, the cranial nerves are only visible on the brainstem images). For more complete diagrams, we would recommend the module on brain anatomy in illustrations.

IMAIOS is a company which aims to assist and train human and animal practitioners. Serving healthcare professionals through interactive anatomy atlases, medical imaging, collaborative database of clinical cases, online courses...

The videos and images on the Atlas of Human Cardiac Anatomy are free to download and use for educational purposes. In return, we request that you maintain the "University of Minnesota/ Medtronic" watermark on the video/image, and include this citation: Atlas of Human Cardiac Anatomy, University of Minnesota/ Medtronic (

You can even zoom into structures, view them from multiple angles and perspectives (gross anatomy, histology and medical imaging) and listen to audio files of each structure being pronounced. Learning has never been so simple.

Two- and three-dimensional (3D) white matter atlases were created on the basis of high-spatial-resolution diffusion tensor magnetic resonance (MR) imaging and 3D tract reconstruction. The 3D trajectories of 17 prominent white matter tracts could be reconstructed and depicted. Tracts were superimposed on coregistered anatomic MR images to parcel the white matter. These parcellation maps were then compared with coregistered diffusion tensor imaging color maps to assign visible structures. The results showed (a). which anatomic structures can be identified on diffusion tensor images and (b). where these anatomic units are located at each section level and orientation. The atlas may prove useful for educational and clinical purposes.

ANATOMY 3D ATLAS allows you to study human anatomy in an easy and interactive way. Through a simple and intuitive interface it is possible to observe, by highly detailed 3D models, every anatomical structure of the human body from any angle.

Acland's (streaming) Video Atlas of Human Anatomy is web-based product that uses fresh, unembalmed specimens, retaining the color, texture, and mobility of the living human body in 3D. A concise synchronized narration runs throughout the program. As each new structure is shown, its name appears on the screen. Footage has been segmented into intervals no longer than 10 minutes and the streaming rate is capped at 250kbs. Features include section exams (free login account), a glossary, and an A-Z index.

He studied medicine in Berlin, where he subsequently worked as a second assistant at the institute of anatomy. From 1895 he served as prosector at the institute for comparative anatomy, embryology and histology at Würzburg. In 1903 he became an associate professor and in 1912 a full professor of topographical anatomy. In 1916 he relocated to the University of Königsberg as director of the anatomical institute, afterwards performing similar duties at the University of Bonn (from 1919).[1]

He is remembered today for the Sobotta atlas of human anatomy, a masterpiece of macroscopic anatomy acclaimed for its high quality and detail. First issued in 1904 with the title Atlas der deskriptiven Anatomie des Menschen ("Atlas of descriptive human anatomy"), it has been published in more than 300 editions in 19 languages (15 editions in English). Sobotta was also the author of Atlas und Grundriss der Histologie und mikroskopischen Anatomie des Menschen (1902), later translated into English and published as Textbook and atlas of human histology and microscopic anatomy.[2]

The Bassett Collection of images and accompanying drawings were compiled into a 24-volume "Stereoscopic Atlas of Human Anatomy" that was completed in 1962 - the results of a seventeen-year collaborative project. Following his death, Dr Bassett's images and working materials materials were donated to Stanford University and used in revisions of the atlas or other works with permission of his widow Lucille F. Bassett.

"The only anatomy atlas illustrated by physicians, Atlas of Human Anatomy, 7th edition, brings you world-renowned, exquisitely clear views of the human body with a clinical perspective. In addition to the famous work of Dr. Frank Netter, you'll also find nearly 100 paintings by Dr. Carlos A. G. Machado, one of today's foremost medical illustrators. Together, these two uniquely talented physician-artists highlight the most clinically relevant views of the human body. In addition, more than 50 carefully selected radiologic images help bridge illustrated anatomy to living anatomy as seen in everyday practice"--Publisher's description.

SAHA is a foundational effort to map 250 million cells at two spatial scales: whole transcriptome of histological features (50 µm to 2 mm in length) and 1,000 RNAs and 64 proteins at single cell resolution (50 nm resolution across 1 cm2). The project will establish best practices in experimental design, data analysis, and data standards for high-content spatial analysis across multiple human organs at a whole transcriptome and proteome level. The goal is to create a comprehensive open source, spatial reference standard that can be accessed by researchers around the globe to advance our knowledge of spatial biology.

Atlas of Human Anatomy uses Frank H. Netter, MD's detailed illustrations to demystify this often intimidating subject, providing a coherent, lasting visual vocabulary for understanding anatomy and how it applies to medicine. This fifth edition features a stronger clinical focus-with new diagnostic imaging examples--making it easier to correlate anatomy with practice. Student Consult online access includes supplementary learning resources, from additional illustrations to an anatomy dissection guide and more. Netter. It's how you know.

Welcome to the Anatomy Resource List! This resource list is intended for students and educators across the health sciences and collects quick links to some of the most popular anatomy resources available through the Health Sciences Library.

The below electronic books represent some of the most popular anatomy textbooks available. Use the ClinicalKey or Library Catalog links at the bottom of the list to search for additional titles.

VIVED Anatomy (zSpace): VIVED Anatomy is designed to improve retention and increase understanding of spatial relationships of important anatomical parts. This research-based approach to learning anatomy encourages students, rather than teachers, to uncover the human body's inner workings.

The interactive Atlas of Human Anatomy is available in many languages. According to the provider, it is the most complete reference of human anatomy available on the Internet, iPad, iPhone and Android devices. Included are over 6700 anatomical structures and more than 870,000 translated medical terms. Illustrations include CT, MRI, X-ray, anatomical diagrams, and nuclear medicine images. 041b061a72


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